All surnames beginning with A, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
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1. AALDERS (4) 2. ABRAHAM (2) 3. ACHORN (2) 4. ACKER (1) 5. ACKERMAN (2) 6. AGNEW (2) |
7. AITKEN (4) 8. AITKINS (1) 9. AKER (3) 10. AKIN (2) 11. ALBEE (1) 12. ALLEN (4) |
13. ALLISON (4) 14. ALTEC (2) 15. AMES (2) 16. ANDERSON (9) 17. ANDREWS (5) 18. ANN (2) |
19. ANTHONY (270) 20. ARCHIBALD (24) 21. ARMSTRONG (3) 22. ARMSWORTHY (2) 23. ARNOTT (1) 24. ARPIN (1) |
25. ASTON (1) 26. AUB? (2) |